Lockdown - The days to work on... to live on...

The Corona pandemic that’s gripping the world has created fear in people. Nations getting in a lockdown state with a high level of curfew imposed are adding meat to this fear. Apart from this, the consistent reports on the challenging task on hand, the medical research fraternity has and groping for a cure has further reinforced this fear with uncertainty, thus impairing the very psyche of the people. Well, the fear of not contracting the virus and falling prey to this unknown life threatening invisible enemy has become an even bigger problem on hand. Another major issue that strengthens this fear or rather creates a new mindset is TIME. People who earlier had scarcity of time always quoting “I don’t have time for that or I wish I had time for that etc” were now experiencing a sudden abundance of time. This sudden freedom from being occupied with all other Lockdown conditions has put their mind in a tizzy “what to do with time?”. It is also said “an idle mind is a devils workshop” could this pose a bigger challenge to people – May be….. May be Not…. But the possibility exists.

I found that this issue has never really been looked at by the leaders of the nation (as they are really battling with containing the spread of the virus and working towards making the essentials reach the common man). Neither the news media (though having a geographical presence have infact transformed themselves into a Corona Dashboard – how many infected Vs dead & spread?.... Fault finding with, what the people did/ didn’t do or the misses/ inefficiencies/ wrongs of the Government? Or how & where did the Lockdown fail – apart from this there is hardly any worthy material fed to the common man’s brain) nor the so acclaimed Gurus (– be it Management or Spiritual) have provided respite to the ailing minds of the people. Perhaps the minds of the leadership (national, management & Spiritual) are mummified with draperies of secular emotions that are self-limiting them. So where can we find respite to the inner turmoil then? Is there no one who can guide us through these times and tell us “this is the best for you to do”. Well at this stage it reminds me of one of the most radiant Guru of recent times belonging to Goud Saraswath Brahmin Kashi Mutt named Shri Sudindrateerth Swamy.  His role in uplifting the people intellectually, morally, spiritually, culturally and patriotically has been impeccably well designed and executed. Even during difficult times he proved that with 3 P’s – Patience, Prayer, Perseverance and positivity through group consciousness effort, success is inevitable. Being part of the GSB community I had been a witness to this visionary’s success story.  The entire community who believed in the Pontiff unquestioningly followed every single instruction given to them by him, and, over time they reaped & realized the benefits. The GSB community today is one of the richest in the world – Intellectually, Morally, Spiritually, Culturally and Patriotically; which happened due to each individual (irrespective of age or gender) accepting that it is his/ her individual responsibility to commit to one’s own evolution through DHARMA & KARMA (Duties and Performance).  When we view it from this perspective it becomes all the more relevant for us to adopt these such that individually we become better beings and collectively, we achieve such a rich status as a nation. So what should we do now…..??

The human body deteriorates more due to misuse and abuse than due to proper use. Yoga is not a demonstration kit to be opened and shown only on Yoga Day (21st June every year), it should made our body’s best friend who stays with us and does good daily and with whom we wish to spend time daily. Ideally the air is most refreshing early morning – best to wake up before the sunrises drink 2-3 glass of hot/ warm water (this resolves acidity issues, gastric issues, indigestion & constipation, flushes toxins) and set about doing a bout of pranayama - begin with anulom vilom for about 5 minutes followed by Ujjaiyi for about 5 minutes (this will refresh the brain, calms & stimulates the vagus nerve and cranial muscles, enhances lung capacity. It also nourishes the throat, vocal cords, relieves thyroid problems, asthama, bronchitis, migraine, acidity, anxiety, depression, insomnia, sleep apnea snoring and  regulates Blood pressure too.). Once the body is refreshed its now best to do a set of Yoga Asanas that are strengthening, releasing, rejuvenating awakening and relaxing the muscles and the inner system. However, the best among all of the asana’s is the Surya Namaskaar (initially a set of about 12 should be sufficient that can set the tone and over time it can be witnessed that this improves self-awareness, flexibility, agility, relieves fatigue, lethargy, stiffness, tensions and pain. It also increases the stamina and positive energies required by the body while also flushing the toxins.). The body is now prepared for flight into the depths of silence. Meditate for 20 minutes – among most of the techniques available the simplest, easiest, effortless, following the nature’s way and very effective is Transcendental Meditation technique propounded by Shri Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (this allows the mind to experience unbounded awareness and achieve a state of inner serenity enabling the full functioning of the brain – the benefits of this is simply astounding. It is also a time to offer gratitude to the body that has so far been a good companion). It is best to eat freshly prepared food that is Satvik as our body needs revitalization and rejuvenation that can harbor a healthy mind. Prepared food stored over 3 to 4 hours becomes Tamasik, this when consumed, changes the constituents of the mind’s functioning in a not so beneficial manner. This attunes the physical segment of our being, building resistance to anomalies that can affect the body due to the misuse.

We often forget that when our focus shifts from “I” to “WE” a sea change of benefits come our way. When we are always self-centered or self-focused the mind revolves around “I”- we do everything to satisfy this “I” and end up having “ILLNESSES”. When this shifts to “WE” - we start recognizing, regarding & respecting others. We employ all our resources healthily and judiciously to serve others and this brings “WELLNESS”. It’s so simple to realize this – do we need “I for ILLNESS” or “WE for WELLNESS”. And what best than to begin from home environment. Here I recommend each one of us follow a E3 METHODENGAGE ; EDUCATE ; ENERGIZE . The first step is to ENGAGE into healthy discussions with your family members. Have short intermittent breaks with small eats which allows you all to sit together, chat together and also eat together – there’s an old adage “a family that eats together stays together”. These breaks should be engaged in fun, laughter and enjoyable times (times of your younger days, the days of mischief, the days you enjoyed the most and what you did etc – these will allow your children and your other family members to not only re-live your younger days but also give room to understand you better). In these happy moments the hidden talents of your near dear ones also surface which can be encouraged or unleashed making a personality out of the person. Also engage in activities that allow you to complete some pending tasks at work. Connect up with your work team and certain heads of your business/ job with whom a future pathway can be envisioned. This will lay a strong foundation to the career as well as family ties. This now leads to the second step EDUCATE where you share about your family origins, your customs/ traditions, values, festivals, etc. and helping your children appreciate these, realize the importance of these and inspire them to become custodians of this culture. If we don’t culturize our children then ETHNOCIDE of our culture is evident. It is also time to educate them about the real history of Bharat (prior to this do a bit of studying – not reading; you could learn from researches by Raj Vedam or Stephen Knapp or from the Archeological Society of India etc. where the real history with concrete scientific evidence is available). Tell your children stories of valour, courage humanity, truthfulness and patriotism such that they imbibe these qualities that are essential to lead their lives in the future. This paves the way to the third step which is a duty to ENERGISE the entire environment around you. Every day at dusk its best to unite your family in group meditation of TM for about 20 minutes followed by serious prayer – offer thanks to your gods (if you don’t believe it then to a supreme energy that exists or to the unified field which science has proven as a field of existence of all energies), pray together and pray from everybody – yourself, your family, other people and of course for the entire nation Bharat. It is here I quote the 
prayer of Sudhindra Teerth Swamy Ji and the people following the order of Kashi Mutt as an excellent example – they have a short focused and holistic prayer. Scientifically it has been identified that chants of specific sounds (in mono syllables or poly-syllables) have a profound effect on all life forms. 
One such verse that energizes – heals and strengthens 72000 energy irrigation systems (nadis) and 11 important organ systems that are essential for our healthy body.  This verse is called the MAHA MRITYUNJAYA MANTRA. Enough scientific researches on the effect of this verse have concluded that it has a profound effect on any patient’s healing of ailments/ diseases. Chanting this together with your families at a sufficiently audible level 108 times at a stretch renders its health benefits and enhanced immune system in your family and also creates a strengthened environment benefiting other too. Research studies have also shown that singing bhajans in appropriate melodies increases the ability to focus and concentration in children thus benefiting them in their studies. The day can end with a couple of such vocal renderences that also keeps your mind and body healthy. Remember the formulae for better living is “a healthy Mind gives a healthy body” over 90% of the diseases/ ailments are psychosomatic (created by our own brain).

This is not too difficult to employ, it is neither counterproductive, nor is it depleting life energies nor is it in any way harmful. During this Lockdown period should any individual apply it in a focused manner for the 21 days minimum – it becomes a habit thereby making you and all members of your family better individuals who would become intellectually, morally, spiritually, culturally and patriotically mature and robust exhibiting patience, perseverance and positivity in all you do. The times are ripe for all to make ourselves worthy individuals who can be part of Bharat’s success story. So here’s the way may you all be illumined by this way forward of mine hopefully sensitizing on the real meaning & truth behind “STAY HOME & STAY SAFE at this hour of National Health Emergency.

LOCKDOWN - A look at Being with Nature

Today the 14th of April 2020, the Prime Minister of Bharat - Shri Narendra Modi, extended the Lockdown situation across the nation till the 3rd of May 2020. 

Some people were perhaps pained from this extension talking of boredom without actually understanding what they could possibly do in this situation. How can they define the Lockdown. It is when i received a video (herein attached) from a friend of mine that I could relate to it and hence forwarded the video with a few words of mine that could motivate people connected to me to look at the great opportunity that this lock-down has in store and how they can define this LOCKDOWN situation.... 

Time flies and never gives us a chance to revisit…. It’s the wise who take the opportunity to dive deep, expand their awareness, strengthen their creative intelligence, reinstate bliss in their lives, celebrate success with others….

Lockdown in the true sense is to discover your true potential, your true purpose in life and unleashing these to be that energy field that provides enlightenment to other seekers, rekindles and rejuvenates tired and struggling souls transforms all lives around you… its time you gave it back to nature by being one with it… have a great year ahead…. 

Make Character Your Wife - A Doctors Perspective

Today, I found time to write this. When I saw a doctor treating a rogue, infected & struggling with Corona. The tragedy was, this rogue had some time ago encroached an empty property site belonging to the doctor (where the doctor had to give away the property for absolutely nothing). Now this rogue was brought into the hospital and as destined he was to be attended by this doctor...

Despite the past happenings, the doctor was calmly treating the rogue with patience, humility, care and the intent to save life which magnified his image in my mind.... The same I'm sure other doctors too across the country will treat (just like this doctor did) to those who spat on them, misbehaved with them and pelted stones on them....

What stands out is the inner stance that the doctors take in times of such crisis... Where enemies too are treated as friends of life.... I'm proud of the medical fraternity.... Hope this poem sends a message to you all to look at the stethoscope clad white apron worn human by BEING HUMAN to him too...

Today a stray thought came to my mind,
Were we two made to be same of a kind?
You feasted on others & largely dined,
While I stood for truth & was always fined.

With greed you did become the lord of darkness,
Never uttered a word that was laced with kindness.
Foul mouthed you battered your friends into sadness,
Is this what you call "your world" with proudness?

Though I uttered & spread messages of love,
Freedom, happiness & peace fluttered as a dove.
Humanity & Humaneness are my treasure trove,
Wiping tears, relieving pain, dousing flames of their inner stove.

I neither have a world nor own anything,
Unlike you who possesses everything.
As I exit from this world with nothing but some blessing,
Perhaps you too shall pass away with the same thing.

We both came from the destination that was same,
Both strived & urged on in life to earn a name.
The playground, people, audience & tools were the same,
Yet both of us returned in the state as we were prior to the game.

Did our journey make the difference?
Or did we gain & lose our given sense?
Now at God's gate I know both of us are tense,
to know which one of us will clear the fence.

To tread as Raam or rule as Raavan is very fishy,
As both scaled heights to impress Lord Avinashi,
One exited leaving footprints that were so messy,
The other sacrificed all making others lives easy.

While one became a mantra for life
The other remained treasured as trife
Despite this, our mind's in an ugly strife,
The solution is "Make Character Your Wife"

Character has no room for the brash,
Neither is it tradable to a ton of cash.
It's in the likes of pride, humility etc all in a stash,
Rightfully to be possessed & built says Avinash.

Ahimsa - What does Buddhism have to say....

I again received a request from the same friend on Ahimsa... 

Thank you sir , 
for the detailed explanation and the time & the efforts you have taken  to give us the needed reply !.... Here I wanted to particularly, know whether their Dharma’s give sanction/ permission, to their followers to kill Animals for food !
In Bhuddism , they talk about Ahimsa but how they can kill ?
“Ahimsa paramo Dharmaha” Is not adopted by Bhuddists !
In Bible and Khuran , this Killing is permitted by prophets  and Jesus !
Give some light on this aspect also !
Thank you .


Sorry again sir, I'm just trying to find time to answer your queries... Hopefully, I'm successful this time in again providing clarity....

First let us define AHIMSA – it’s a Sanskrit term that says “NO INJURY not only by deeds but by words and thoughts too (i.e. Kaaya, Vachaa and manasaa”). It is not only to be applied to humans but also expands into avoidance of the vain (unnecessary) destruction of animal life too. Taking this into consideration Gautam Buddha or Shakyamuni Buddha elucidated to his monks as “even if bandits were to sever you savagely limb by limb with a two-handle saw, he who gave rise to a mind of hate towards them would not be carrying out my teaching”…. This statement many followers today find it as an extreme form of Ahimsa to follow. They say "how should Buddhists react to people such as killers - if we don’t exist then what ahimsa is going to exist. If we die then Himsa will win and not Ahimsa?”. Another point they say, with the same intensity is that “We are in a place where growing of vegetables is difficult and not possible perennially so what should we do to survive”.

Well, We love our life the most and when our survival is at stake, we compromise… we find ways to redeem this sin (do more japa or service to others etc etc)… we find ways to absolve the acts saying that the lower life forms where the intellect or brain is the smallest can be sacrificed to become our food for survival. 

These people are only working on the “Annamaya Kosha”(– State of physical existence). They have neither experienced nor transcended to “Aanandamaya Kosha” (– a  state of bliss) where, nature starts to act through you. 

The mere look at Gautama Buddha brought about an internal churning in Angulimaala (if you remember the story) who preferred to give up HIMSA and follow AHIMSA in its true sense. This is what happens when you function from the “Aanandamaya Kosha” or the “field of all Possibilities” where only your intent will be the driving force that is so impactful that the other realizes and transforms just by the look. This is what the effect of Gautam Buddha was, hence he was the ENLIGHTENED ONE. The present day monks I call are Pseudo-Buddhists if they do not follow the actual principle of AHIMSA or partially follow Ahimsa. 
Gautama Buddha in the Dhammapada clearly says, “That one I call a Brahmin who has put aside weapons and renounced violence towards all creatures. Such a one neither kills nor helps others to kill…That one I call a Brahmin who is never hostile to those who are hostile toward him, who is attached among those who are selfish and at peace among those at war”. Except a handful of people who live by this doctrine, the rest just prefer to stay in the beastly state.

Finally, I say it's a choice of the individual that he needs to exercise. Does he want to remain in the sensual beastly state (meeting the needs of your body that is devoid of value for other beings & creatures or remain human who wants to attain the enlightened state. 

Gautama Buddha wanted people to outgrow from the ANIMAL HOOD (of sensuality & feed the hunger) to the elevated state of God hood (of Spiritual Perfection or Enlightenment/ Nirvana). He also laid the pathways to attain the enlightened being state.too. But, the present day followers have made the beastly state as their comfort zone. This comfort zone is devoid of following the principles of Ahimsa OR they follow their own moulded/ modified/ altered Ahimsa principle that is best suited to them. This is completely against the doctrines that Buddha propagated.

Another that I have observed is that, people use the phrase, “I’m a Buddhist” so that the listener of the phrase places him on a higher mental platform and considers the person to be virtuous just as Gautam Buddha – and embodiment of Ahimsa, peace, equality, friendly, etc which are outcomes of following the 8 Fold Path of Buddhism. But in reality he is no-where close to following the principles of Buddhism. Those who follow the principles in totality are extremely a small number (I have a friend called Shashi Nayar who is one such person). But majority are pseudo followers whose life & lifestyles today are certainly NOT BUDDHA like.

Vegetarian Versus Non-Vegetarian - Do religions advocate them...

A friend of mine asked this question to which i answered with whatever limited understanding i had...

Dr . Avinash sir ,
I have a question , as to what in the other religious books.... Like Bible , Khoran , in the  Granth sahib of the Sikh religion, in the books is Parsis , other than Hinduism , Jainism , Bhuddhi , what they say about killing of Animals and eating them for food ?  Atleast ,in the major Religions of the world !

Can you throw some light on this ! As I saw what they are doing in China in the “Wet market “ is very disturbing and bringing this curse on the whole of Humanity !

Your question is really pertinent about non-vegetarianism & animal killing from a religion point of view. Well, I'll try my best to answer it scientifically, logically and if possible on religion context.

Physiologically & anatomically - the human body has not been designed for meat eating or non-vegetarianism. There are enough and more medico-scientists who through research have provided evidence regarding this.
1. We don't have teeth (large canine teeth) and jaws (which only move up & down) like the carnivorous (flesh eating animals).

2. We don't have claws & our finger construction cannot tear flesh or even hide (the skin).

3. The flesh eating animals have a very short intestinal tract that allows all the flesh to easily pass through quickly but we humans have a very very long intestine (large & small intestines with a lot of turns & bends). This is also the same kind found in plant eating animals.

4. The acids secreted by our stomach is very less & much much weaker than those of flesh eating animals. This many times does not breakdown the flesh when eaten there by leading to dead tissue lying in the stomach that can lead to poisoning or increased toxicity in the human body.

5. The meat protein is very high that causes a lot of hit on the kidneys and can lead to kidney diseases that most of the time is irreversible. The impact is the same on gall bladder too.

6. The hormonal & biochemical presence in the blood many times laces the artries/ blood veins with deposits of fats that hamper flow of blood leading to heart diseases. Major cause of deaths in the present world.

7. The human body is intended to function on plant-based foods that are full of fiber, antioxidants, unsaturated fat, essential fatty acids, phytochemicals, and cholesterol-free protein.

8. Some also raise a question "Didn't our Ancesstors eat meat"???
- Right through the history of our evolution, humans have majorly been only vegetarian. Once they deviced a method to make fire & manage it they added modest amount of meat as a convenience (where availability of vegetarian food was scarce).

Intellectuals who listen to their human body and the true verifiable research by our scientific community will understand this and live on to be vegetarians and stay by it.

We are from a blessed land "BHARAT" where nature has bestowed it's best in it's true form that we worship nature itself - Fire as Agni, Water as Varuna, Air as Vayu ..... Etc including the animal kingdom who are allocated to each diety/ god as it's vahana etc. We have the virtue to value living & non-living in quitude. It is this virtue that we have inculcated and this we call "MANUSHYATVA" or "Humaneness". It is therefore we call it a DHARMA it's not a religion but a set of rules/ duties to expedite thoughout the lifespan. You had duties towards your self, your parents, your siblings, your community, your rashtra and your environment (parisara/ prakruti). 

All our ancient texts say when in doubt, dive within & refer your self with your environment this gives you the NATURE of things hence we are always guided through Purusha & Prakruti... The solutions & answers are there.

Until the Advent of foreigners (be it the Afghans, Iranians, Mughals, French, Portuguese, English etc... ) We lived a life "as per nature living & being with nature" - which said "me & others are the same" or "we are equal". The foreigners had a different perspective of "Controlling Nature" which advocated supremacy - "I am Superior to you" this showed a mindset of the animals are weaker to us we are supreme beings. To break our line of Dharma they threw meat into our wells & people who drank water from it were out casted and they subjugated themselves to the foreigners and now they had to follow the line of thought & lifestyles of the foreigners as they were welcomed by the foreigners. Those who did not drink from the well either migrated to other safer regions or just perished. It is here that meat eating became a norm of distinction. Today with the growth of civilization the non-vegetarianism is a fad or a status quo rather or social norm for advanced society than a necessaity (the same can be seen with alcohol too).

Now, apart from the Sanaatana Dharma & it's off-shoots (- Buddhism or Jainism, etc - which is more of a following), let us first accept that Islam & Christianity etc are foreign to India. They came from lands that were deprived of nature's best (unlike Bharat) they came to Bharat to enjoy & relish the abundance nature had gifted. 
There are 2 views to this which some researchers have experienced - one is theory of "convenience due to deprivation" and the other "The psychology build up" theory.

Since both these clearly dated man made religions, (if I may call them) had the ways of life & living designed due to convenience. Nothing could be grown in Arabian Region then (even true now) and hence the deprived state of vegetarian food instigated them to latch-on to meat eating as a means for survival. There were various norms written on this by the then intellectuals so as to avoid spread of any diseases (as they did not have means to cure them). These religions when they spread to other parts of the world carried this culture along and hence, as one embraced the religion, he had to adopt that culture & meat eating became part of his diet which earlier was not. The same happened in Buddhism too where due to deprivation in Tibet the Buddhists embraced meat eating, this when it spread to the east carried it's culture along with it too. Today Japan which was primarily Vegetarian has now transformed into a non-vegetarian to over 90%. 

So now over years we see that meat eating has become an addiction. Trying out new types of meat came into existence to please or honour a guest and people started to spare none of the animals under the garb of "delicacy offered to guest" this too has become a habit or addiction today just as alcohol.

When we look at the impact of the processes of each religions on the psyche of the individual practicing it or following it. All psychology-scientists will clearly understand this and may be in a position to relate to their studies. With no offence meant to any religion - as they are all pathway to reach the ultimate reality named "God" However, each practice has an impact on the minds of the person - this is undeniable, self evident and self realisable. 

In our Sanaatana Dharma the God's & dieties are placed in line with where we are or on a level closer to the ground/ floor and we sit in sukhasana to worship it. This one can observe that the God's or pictures of the deity are reachable & touchable to the worshipper (basically at an arms reach to him)... These build the psyche of people practicing this making them "god loving", god does not punish but understands you and blesses always. The second is that in Sanaatana Dharma the deity is human be it the picture or the idol of any of our God's is live - open eyes, the form is active or in action form, their heads upright & NOT hung down and NOT torturously death pictographed. This look of HINDU Gods as human bodied or animal-human bodied, psychologically builds a virtue of humaneness, equality, attitude of request, love & gratitude (this is what we do in sankalpa, praarthana & dhanyavaad). Thirdly, we strive to get qualities of the pictographed deity/ god become god like. Hence we categorically find the levels of quality as Satva, Rajo & Tamo Guna too & likewise we eat the kind of food as excellently explained in Ayurveda. Finally, the pleasant face of the deity also propagates - life is Bliss and emulate the state of being in the way your god is. No where in our Sanaatana Dharma do we say GOD DIED FOR YOU".

But when people keep their mental focus on a blank wall, the mind emulates the qualities that the wall portrays. These vary in degrees possible and they gain qualities such as insensitivity, not understanding pain, hard-heartedness, least feeling when inflicting pain to lower life forms (called animals) etc.. etc... This gets written on the psyche unconsciously. The same you get aligned emotions when you look at torturously death pictographed/ idol too. Secondly, the position of this is on a high pedestal/ much higher in the wall saying he is above you and you need to kneel before him. This sets a one up position in the minds of the person before it (a chance for superiority or inferiority complex to be created and reinforced on the psyche)... The reason is also that this genere of followers kneel down before him again inscribing "God fearing" on their minds and punitive nature of God.

These kinds of psychological studies have also been tried in schools and the outcomes observed. It was inferred that in situations where the teacher is standing before the class students on a platform (called a stage) in the classroom, the teacher unconsciously instilled fear in the students and the learning in the students was weak/ low. However, where the teacher who stood within or sat in line with the students and taught the students, the teacher in this case instilled a comfortable feeling in the student that encouraged wider and better learning also . 

Over the entire range of religions No God's have advocated any kind of a killing of any life form for his pleasure. Man has due to reasons mentioned above has built ritualistic norms convenient to him which has turned himself into a beast where he values none but himself - his convenience, his addiction, his supremacy, his greed, his fad, his range of satisfying his indriyas (senses) from a human being he has now slipped himself into a sensual being. 

Hope I could answer your questions. Sorry for the long explanatory.... At least I'm happy we at the Maharishi group value satva guna, satvik food and satvik blissful living.... Let us encourage our children to inculcate these virtues which we have so they lead a valuable life ahead and become &; retain the Humaneness.

Picture chosen and added is under copyright to Timesofindiai taken from google search

The Tirumala Visit - A treasure trove of experiences

My class 7 final exams had just got over and the summer vacation had begun. It was during these summer holidays that my entire family decided to visit Tirumala, the abode of lord Venkateshwara (or Balaji as he is fondly called). My cousins and I (about 7 kids) were extremely thrilled about the entire episode of just going out of Bangalore for the holidays. Each had a plan of his own as to what they would be taking along with them – to wear, to play, for adventure (as it was told to us that it was a wonderful hill) etc. each one had a dream about the way they would enjoy and rejoice the vacation.

On the scheduled day – a Thursday to be precise the entire family of 16 members (grandparents, our parents, my uncles and aunts and the 7 of us) got into the mini bus that was to take us to the destination. It was a night journey and we reached Tirupati early in the morning. We got off at a hotel to finish our early morning chores, freshened up before proceeding to Alipiri at the foot of the Tirumala hill. The entire family hopped off at Alipiri and allowed the minibus to continue to the top of the hill with our luggage. Although the Sun was yet to rise, we could see a trail of lights illuminating the stairs that we had to climb to reach the main shrine of the Lord Venkateshwara. On seeing the trail of stair lights, our enthusiasm was at its greatest high with each kid contesting the other and stating that he/ she would be the first to reach the top. While we kids enthusiastically boasted about achieving the feat first, I happened to see a very mystic smile on the face of my Grandfather. The smile was perhaps suggestive to us to underplay our over confidence. Whatever it was, our enthusiasm was not going to diminish. Little did we know that it would be an arduous climb of about 4000 stairs which would leave us breathless and speechless?

As we climbed with great vigor my grandpa held my hand and asked me to climb with him. My heart and soul were rebelling as I too wanted to be at the top much before the others reached but his polite request won me and I started walking slowly beside him. The pious octogenarian that he was, my grandfather would chant the Lords name “Govinda! Govinda!” at every step that he climbed. When I looked up to see where my cousins were, I saw them disappearing around the meandering stairs in minutes, and thought that they would soon reach top and welcome me with mockery. Slowly but steadily we reached the first gate where my Grandfather asked me to just wait a second and take a look at the beautiful sun rise. As the Sun rose and embraced the hill spreading its crimson haze giving a unique glow to the hill and its ranges. The sight was mind blowing and an experience to treasure – the entire ecosystem just came to life – cool breeze, the crispy air, the warmth of the sunrays, the greenery of the hills, the sturdy rocks, the chirping of birds and the glowing tower behind us was really breathtaking. I was awestruck with the wondrous beauty of the nature around me which forbade me from going any further.  The comforting pat with a warm grasp of my shoulder followed by my Grandfathers soothing voice saying “Nature in its full glory. Isn’t it? It’s a divine painting for our eyes to behold and our tired soul to recoup”. So true those words which I still remember and cherish every time I climb this divinely blessed range.

Half way up and we saw my cousins lying down scattered – absolutely tired, throats parched, their enthusiasm drained and with very little energy to climb a further 2000+ stairs. It was here that my grandfather asked me to come with them and told me “the reason I held you back was to help you conserve your energy so that you can help other kids and reach the top together” he smiled and went on with his climb chanting “Govinda Govinda!”. By the time we reached the top it was well past noon. We checked into the cottages refreshed ourselves and set off to see the places of interest. It was decided that early morning the next day (being Saturday the auspicious day) we would go to seek blessing of the Lord.

At 4 AM the next morning we were all dressed in our traditional costumes and joined the long queue that took us to the Lords Shrine. People kept joining behind us one behind the other thus in a few minutes there were over a 100 people queued in a single line behind us. The queue was moving at a snail’s pace and at times it seldom moved for a long time. The wait was long each minute seemed like hours, by 6:30 AM the people in the queue began to get restless. Our parents were ahead of us followed by the kids, with me right behind them and behind me was my tall grandfather.

There was a family queued behind my grandfather who were a little more restless as it was their first trip to Tirumala (like me and the kids). They kept cribbing about them having aching legs due to standing for long in the queue; commenting about the lack of seating arrangements and insensitiveness on the part of the authorities in providing such facilities for the elders; Lack of proper & healthy food counters etc. The hour long cribbing initially fell on deaf ears of my Grandfather. But, when it became unbearable my grandpa put away the book of Stotras (hymns on the lord) that he was chanting from, turned to the family behind him and asked “Is this your first visit?” they said “yes”. Then my grandfather mentioned “The lord Venkateshwara has been standing on his feet over several centuries and eagerly waiting to see you, meet you, greet you and bless you with what you so very well deserve, yet he does not crib. Can you people not stand for a few hours to meet Him? The lord has never sat down to rest, never blinked an eye nor has he ever complained about the authorities for not providing him a seat. He is ever so graceful, cheerful and eager to see and meet all his devotees and guests who come to him. Should we also not await our turn with the same eagerness, grace, peace and happiness? Would you do the same – crib/ lament on the inadequacies – if you were to visit your best friend at his residence or crib/ complain against the arrangements made by most important person in your life whom you are visiting should he make you wait like this for long. It’s the same thing – this is Lord Venkateshwara’s house he has thousands of visitors and guests meeting him every single minute in a day sometimes your turn takes a little longer but all the same he will still give you a warm welcome, gracefully bless you with the same smile, calm poised, cheerful and eagerness to every single person. So what do you think should we meet him with a cheerful disposition or with a distraught mind?” The voice was firm yet the tone was polite, which people found hard to push back. Although we kids had aching legs the reaction was spontaneously unique. All of us stood upright instantaneously and then began reciting the thousand names of the Lord in tandem – may sound hilarious but true.

That day the lessons learnt were impossible to forget – The FIRST LESSSON was “Conserve your energy while treading uncharted territories with your people. You wouldn’t know when you will need it to energize others to take them along and reach together. Winning together as a team is far more rewarding – it is here that friendship lives forever, rather than sole victories which earn more foes than friends”. The SECOND LESSON was “It’s a world of reciprocity – It is how you come across to others that makes a difference to their life and yours”. It is best to be at your cheerful self always so that troubled minds and broken hearts find respite and are able to experience and reciprocate in the same manner. The THIRD LESSON was “cultivate an attitude of gratitude. When others take a lot of pain to ensure your comfort or to serve you better or to make your life worthwhile then it becomes all the more essential to recognize them, be grateful and thankful to them. This strengthens the relationship/ bond and raises the respect for each.

The trip to Tirumala was indeed a treasure trove of experiences, learnings and of course remembrance of a facet of my grandfather’s personality.

The pictures have been taken from google pictures.... 

The passing away of poet, leader, statesman.... Our Former PM - Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Atal Bihari Vajpayee - A man respected even by the opposition....

आज का जान सैलाब देख कर सर उठा मेरा फक्र से
आया सपूत गोद मेरे कहती माँ भारती देश से।

अटल रहो अटल बनो जब देश की उन्नति की बात हो
निडर रहो अविश्वास सहो जब विपक्ष या शत्रु का आघात हो।

दोस्ती केलिए बस चलाई तो जवाब में वो खाने लगे कारगिल को
अटल धैर्य व सैन्य पराक्रम से सुलझाए देश के इस संकट को।

सधर्मी सदाचार सद्कर्मों से चला मेरा पुत्र अटल
खुशहाल सकुशल सक्षम सुरक्षित जनादेश बनाया सफल।

न तीर से न तलवार से ना गोलियों के बौछार से
लोगों के सिर झुक गए उनकी कविताओं के प्रभाव से।

अटल की यह अंतिम यात्रा याद रहेगी सदा मुझे उम्र भर
फक्र व श्रद्धा से मैं नमन करता उनके इस अंतिम यात्रा पर।

A tribute to a great son of India written watching his funeral march on the 16th Aug 2018 - A date unforgettable in India's modern history....
Jai Hind 

A tribute to the Indian Soldier - Tu Hai Raah kaa Deep

The battle with the Corona Virus has been a combined effort of the - The Medical Fraternity and the the police. To curtail the spread of the virus further the Indian Defence Forces have been brought in to ensure that a complete clamp down is effectively followed and no untoward incident happens. 

The young men smartly dressed in camouflaged uniforms were a treat to the eye. Looking at the soldier standing in front of us, our hands naturally travel up into a salute him with respect in our eyes and a sense of pride for who he is. for us. This is the one feeling that all the people of Bharat share looking at him... Penned here are my thoughts       

राह का है वोह दीप
जो सबको लाए समीप।
आसमान हो या सागर का द्वीप
त्रास ग्रस्त को लाए सुदीप।

जागते वो आंख खोले खोले
झेलते हैं हर पल बम के गोले।
हमेशा भारत मा की जय बोले
शहीद होते बिना मन डोले।

कभी तिरंगे के कफन में आया लिपटा
कभी बोरियों में आया चिथडों को समेटा
कभी वीर मेडल हमें प्राप्त होता
कभी बिना नामो निशान ही रहता।

न इच्छा हमें मेडल या नाम की
नाज है हमें सिर्फ वर्दी व काम की।
करते सेवा देश और आप सबकी
प्राण है अर्पित चरण भारत मा की।

यही प्रार्थना रही है हमारी हर पल
सुरक्षित रहे अपनी सेना का हर दल।
न रहो तब भी बिटिया रहे सकुशल
मातृ सेवा में सदा ही रहे हम सफल।

इस राह के दीप को हम है कहते
जो भारत माँ की रक्षा करते मरते
बॉर्डर पर या प्रलय में हम जब पुकारते
बिना सोच व संकोच वो हैं चले आते।

खुद प्राण गवाके दूसरों को हैं बचाते
ये भारतीय के सपूत सैनिक है कहलाते।

जय हिन्द। Jai Hind

A small tribute from me to the brave soldiers who are always ready to save us & our country...

A Leadership under lens - Emergency Versus Lockdown

During the present Nationwide Lockdown to contain and control the Corona Pandemic, a lot of trolls were doing their rounds on the net & WhatApp. Once such message sent by one of my contacts in the group was a picture which compared a similar curfew like situation that people had to undergo in 1975 clamped by the then Indian Prime Minister who called it "Emergency"..

When the picture was sent to me, it conveyed lot of hidden emotions of the person who perhaps wanted to communicate to the readers of his post. Though the truth was there in front of the eye i felt it was still a little obscure in meaning what it should. 

Therefore, these are the 2 lined thoughts that i tried to pen to move thoughts beyond blunt truth to a more understandable meaning.     

In Kannada we usually have proverbs which communicate the meaning with exactitude and hence i used a similar method to portray the opined meaning 

Just like you have "ಆರ್ತಿಗೆ ಒಂದು  .... ಕೀರ್ತಿಗೆ ಒಂದು I'm sure you'll agree that this pic too says something in a similar sounding way....

ಲಾಠಿ ಗೆ ಒಂದು....  ಕ್ರಾಂತಿಗೆ ಒಂದು 

ಒಂದು ಮಾರಾಮಾರಿಗೆ ರೆಡಿ ....  ಒಂದು  ಮಹಾಮಾರಿಗೆ ರೆಡಿ 

ಒಂದು sterilization ಗಾಗಿ .... ಒಂದು  sanitization ಗಾಗಿ 

ಒಂದು ವೈದ್ಯರಿಗೆ ತ್ರಾಹಿ  .... ಒಂದು ವೈದ್ಯರಿಗೆ ಸ್ನೇಹಿ

ಒಂದು ಜನರ ಪ್ರತಿ - ನಿಧಿ .... ಒಂದು ಜನರ ಪ್ರತಿನಿಧಿ

ಒಂದು ಹುತಾತ್ಮರಾಗಲು  ಕಾರಣಾ .... ಒಂದು ಹುತಾತ್ಮರವರಿಗೆ ಕಿರಣ

ಒಂದು ಇಂದಿರಾ only .... ಒಂದು ಇಂಡಿಯಾ only

These phrases also indicate the leadership type and suggest a conducive approach that can possibly rouse a nations population's commitment. In both the cases people followed it but in one it was out of fear and in the other it was out of concern. Now this is how a leader defines himself and comes across to the person who has elected him into power. It also relates the use of power - is it coercive or was it reflective. the response from the people says it all. There is another strand that i noticed "does prohibition work, of does freedom work or does freedom influence prohibition?" - The way the media was given freedom to sensitise the people,.. the way the people were given freedom to choose between "restrict mobility and care" versus "unrestrained freedom and catastrophe"... the very power of choice placed in the hands of people (indicated freedom) influenced self prohibition whereas in 1975 people unwillingly were restrained beyond any doubt and were laid with innumerable forced prohibitions. 

The world has changed, the times have changed and the younger generation share a greater maturity these days which enables to implement freedom based changes and nation centric policies to be easily implemented provided they are well educated and enabled. I refrain from using the words "Informed" and "empowered" is simply because they are redundant in this context - youth today are well informed (they have access to any information at a click of a button) but they need to be educated which raises their level of comprehension and understanding in a holistic manner rather than being biased or one sided). Empowerment is about taking right decisions which comes only with maturity (inexperience can cause a lot of painstaking outcomes) hence what is needed in enabling which simply means enhancing the power of his mind to seek ways to apply providing platforms to try it with least resistance and supporting them to monitor the outcomes that build confidence and encourage him to take the right decision. This has perhaps made Narender Modi the present Prime Minister of Bharat to be a leader that stands out in the minds of the youth today. Hoping many more wonderful leaders occupy this great land of Bharat in the coming years..