On another hand, it has been observed that majority of the definitions & interpretation of Sanaatana Dharma have been made by foreigners and any explanatory by any Bhaaratiya quotes the works of these foreigners which give a fragile incomplete view of Sanaatana Dharma that makes people to misconceptualize it. This misconstrued understanding puts us at risk of doubting the very existence of Sanaatana Dharma and thus our self limiting beliefs takes control of our mental stance on our culture, traditions, philosophy and life thta was enumerated by the ancient Sanskrit texts that speak volumes of our Sanaatana Dharma. Never has it occurred to us Bhaaratiya that there could have been deliberate attempts to misinterpret, wrongly define and distort the real meaning of Sanaatana Dharma and en-cage it into one word called "HINDUISM" such that the foreigners can present many versions that can further complicate the understanding. The reason for making such a eyebrow raising statement is due to these questions that cropped up
- If the definitions and interpretations are clear, correct and right, then why is there confusion & negativism in the minds of people about the Sanaatana Dharma?
- What was the need to name Sanaatana Dharma as Hinduism if the meaning and understanding was accurate and authentic?
- Why did we blindly believe whatever the foreigners wrote without verifying or performing due diligence on their credentials as whether they were authentic Sanskrit scholars/ translators/ interpreters?
- At first the Foreigners targeted our language that kept us bound, guided us and explained the very foundation of our existence. It enabled us to decode & understand the meaning of life; also educated us on a variety of all physical, physiological and natural sciences as well as the inner science of enriching our soul and evolving harmonically with nature together. This was Sanskrit a language that was passed on from ages coming from our ancestors and which was the core of our existence. The Foreigners thus put in all their efforts and employed ways to make us detest our language forbidding us to speak in it stating calling in unscientific baseless and a language of rites and rituals that only revolved around worship. Sanskrit faded over time and people who know it and understand it today are very few.
- Their next was to get the students out of the Gurukulas and train their minds to accept, adopt and live they way they wanted the Bharatiya children. Therefore, they created high schools that taught students in their Foreign Language and propagating firmly to the Bhaaratiyas by quoting
- It is easy to use - has very less alphabets and simple for pronunciation as compared to Sanskrit
- It is fundamental to learn the foreign language to ensure employment in the workplaces of these foreigners.
- In tandem propagated a lie (untruth) that Sanskrit was the language that was meant only for ritualistic activities & the worship of god and not that which can get them a job or a livelihood or help them in their work or help them in their vocations or for the overall development of people and they created an eco-system of people, policies and structures around it that supported their claims and forced people to believe them & succumb to it.
- “People who knew the foreign language and spoke in it are far more superior to those who did not” thus creating a social divide in the minds of people
- The Foreign centers of learning were called SCHOOLS where the medium of instruction was their foreign language. Only these schools were claimed to be THE ONLY AUTHENTIC CENTERS for education the rest were not recognized as SCHOOLS at all. The Bhaaratiya Centers of learning were disregarded as right education centers & the student drift began.
- The temples actually contained a school for educating the children of the geographical location. Some large Temples also had Universities thriving into their temple complex. Hence the term used to define a SCHOOL anywhere in the world today is "A School is a TEMPLE OF LEARNING". Apart from imparting free education, the temples also took care meeting infra necessities of the villages, free supply of food & agri produce to students/ teachers and also facilitate trade & industry revolving the temple & society etc. This was achieved from the land holding that the temples had to ensure effective management of the people & the villages. The Foreigners ensured these land holding to be reduced to a fraction by in conniving with the kings of those times which resulted in the temples not getting enough funds to run schools or any of the initiatives in them. Thus the number of schools which were educating the masses started reducing in numbers and over a lakh such temple schools became dysfunctional and over time closed down. Those that remain today only teach ritualistic & worship based education.
- Some foreigners also went to the extent of destroying hundreds & thousands of temples, Centers of learning, ancient Universities of Bharat. Some also went a step further in burning down the libraries that were real knowledge databases. These they did as a show of supremacy of their race, their faith, their education system and their knowledge bases.
- Finally, the Foreigners got their renowned litterateurs to translate our Sanskrit scriptures and ancient texts in a manner that put the entire content of knowledge, wisdom & sciences in low light drubbing & interpreting it in a manner to prove it to be esoteric or non-evidential or impractical or not scientific at all to be taught to any learner. They also roped in some Bhaaratiya youngsters who were inclined & impressed towards the foreign language and ways of their life to write in a manner that gave a negative feeling to anyone who reads it. These literates to please the foreigner also categorically desecrated certain practices mentioned & traditional rituals or our ways living as superstitions or esoteric or antisocial dogma. This created disbelief in the people of Bhaarat regarding every knowledge segment that the scriptures described which has now led to a scant number of intellectuals to hold on to and working towards debunking all these translations and interpretation such that truth be known to all.
- Sanskrit was never the language of the invading or trading or visiting foreigners. How authentic could their translations or interpretations be ?
- Who taught the Foreigners Sanskrit (a scholar or a Guru or a School or a Gurukul) is unknown. The most prominent of all noted foreigners whose intent, content and interpretations are actually quoted by many Bhaaratiya Scholars today when it comes to Sanaatana Dharma or translation of Vedic Texts could be a point of discussion or contention here ? - The person is the renowned German Max Muller - It is said that he learnt Sanskrit from a French Eugene Burnouf; Eugene learnt Sanskrit from his Father Jean Louis Burnouf who was taught by a British soldier Alexander Hamilton who claims to have learnt from a Pandit in Bhaarat (from 1783 to 1793) whose name & authenticity is unknown. In-fact Hamilton is known as the first teacher of Sanskrit at Hertford College, UK in 1806. Now let us look at some questions:
- When there was a Hertford College teaching Sanskrit since 1806 why did Max Muller in 1845 go to Eugene in France to learn Sanskrit? Why did he not come to Bhaarat itself to learn under any School which would have made it authentic?
- Eugene was a researcher of Persian texts/ culture etc. had never visited Bhaarat to understand the eco-system that existed in Bhaarat where Sanskrit and the culture thrived. How authentic would his Sanskrit be and how much did he teach Max Muller in 7 years (as Eugene died in 1852) that made Max Muller a prolific translator of Sanskrit Texts?
- Likewise Max Muller too never visited India in his entire life time but claims to have translated a volley of our Sanskrit texts & scriptures – The Veda’s, the Upanishads, the Epics, Manusmruti etc. Infact it was this translation of Manusruti made by Max Mullers that Dr. B R Ambedkar used as an reference source for his book “Annihilation Of Caste”.
- It was proven that Max Muller had falsely translated the Manusmruti and also wrongly interpreted the contents of several Vedic texts. His Aryan Invasion theory stood without historical evidence and could not prove it had occurred and likely was drubbed as false too.
- It is also surprising how people could not understand the intent of this man Max Muller from the statements he made and from his well known quotes. These quotes can clear the fog off the minds of people so as to view our ancient scriptures, texts and also Sanaatana Dharma in a manner different from the way it was projected
- In Aug 25th 1866 – “India is much riper for Chirstianity than Rome or Greece….. I should like to live for ten years quite quietly and learn the language, try to make friends, and see whether I was fit to take part in a work, by means of which the old mischief of Indian priestcraft could be overthrown and the way opened for the entrance of simple Christian teaching..."
- In 1868 – “The translation of the Veda will hereafter tell to a great extent on the fate of India, and on the growth of millions of souls in that country. It is the root of their religion, and to show them what the root is, I feel sure, is the only way of uprooting all that has sprung from it during the last 3,000 years..."
- In 1868 – “India has been conquered once, but India must be conquered again, and that second conquest should be a conquest by education…"
- Finally on 2nd Feb 1835 Thomas Babington Macaulay in his “Minute on Indian Education” which was given concurrence by William Bentick endorsing the views of Macaulay cleared any fog about this “Conquest by Education” by
- The support for the publication of books in Sanskrit and Arabic should be withdrawn
- The support for traditional education should be reduced & to do funding for the Madrassa at Delhi and the Hindu College at Banaras
- Students should no longer be paid to study at these establishments and the money released by these steps should instead go to fund education in Western subjects, with English as the language of instruction
- Why anyone – be it a saint, leader, scholar or a common man raise his voice and file his objections?
- How could they NOT KNOW the malafide intentions of these foreigners towards our country?
- How could anyone use the false translation as a reference source to author a book that further created a social divide which till date has remained inerasable from the minds of people and has fueled discomfort, disharmony and triggered un-favored inclusion among the population today
- Why didn’t the scholars, researchers, general people or the politicians understand the real intentions of these foreigners and work towards taking steps in the preservation of our culture and tradition from such foreigners?
- Why the so called freedom fighters & the leaders at the helm of affairs called Congress not take cognizance of it and protest against these?
- Why has the government continued the same policies enforced by the British (as per Macaulays Minute) pertaining to funding Madrasas and not the Traditional Schools?
- Why any Sanskrit word or phrase that is uttered is creating a disgruntled response even if it means “Salutations to Mother”? Why is it that this language of Bhaarat that is far ancient than any civilization is not given the due status of an official language or at least “Bhaarat’s Cultural Language”?