Bharath & India - Are we the same...???

Just yesterday, my conversation with a foreigner scientist named Dr. Stephen Cobeti amazed me. He was for the first time praising India and mentioned that he learnt a lot about India over the past 5 years of his career.... He said India has a lot to offer the world and that today being Gandhi Jayanti he planned to go through the literature's that speak about MK Gandhi

When he asked Dr. Avinash you've been an Indian by birth - studied here, lived here & living here now... so you must have learnt a lot about India & know more about it. Can you tell me more about India??? This question took me down memory lane of the last half century that I've been part of this country....

At first I said that "India" is a wrong nomenclature to our great country that the British gave it. Perhaps the people (so called leadership) at the helm of affairs at that point of time, all barristers qualified at Britain (including the man in-charge of formulating the constitution) loved this Anglicized name & shunned the real name BHARATH. It was like the lady shunning her maternal name after her marriage and adopting the in-law's nomenclature. But here, the divorce brought in the name given by the runaway British...

Secondly, the new name ingrained in a new set of values & characteristics which were part/ parcel & practiced by the naming factions. Thus, the attributes changed from an emotionally and spiritually wise nation to a logic-intelligent country.

Today as I see it INDIA, is a more "Mathematical Nation" as every aspect of it translates & an outcome of mathematics. Therefore, it can be noticed that INDIA (NOT BHARATH) is

1.  A voluminous set of derivations that share pathways from zero to infinity & infinity to zero.

2.      Addition of various Faith's & foreign cultures.

3.      Subtraction of people beliefs on our cultural values/ traditions.

4.      Multiplication of specific sects of people through production/ conversion

5.      Division of this great country into 2 other countries on the basis of religion

6.      Differentiation of people into castes & tribes by the very government

7.  Integration of people representatives into the legislative assemblies with divergent views or non-existent vision.

8.   Limits tending to zero when it comes to nation centricity & zero adherence to rules ; but, limits tending to infinity with chair centricity & infinite adherence to loopholes.

9.   Geometry in connecting cities as the golden quadrilateral or having the outer/ inner ring roads most named after marauders or tormentors or foreign rulers.

10.  Trigonometry of the

Ø sine to follow seldom exists

Ø cos is a variety of reasons & excuses that people give

Ø tan the foreigners get natural

Ø sec is a measure of unknown time taken by Govt officials

11.   Abstract equations existing between couples for marriage to survive yet the new gen battles for having same gender marriages

12.  Algebraic equations of numerous seers/ clergies/ god-men suggested for self-realization or god realization are for building their brands or money-banks.


I don't see Bharath here!! All I see is the India & India alone....

Stephen was a little taken aback by what I spoke. Quizzically he asked "Then what is Bharath???" I went back to tell him - for many, there's hardly a difference between India & Bharath because they are looking at it from the glasses of a country. To understand Bharath you need to get rid of these glasses & look at it as a child who looks at its mother. Bharath is the mother to the entire inhabitants of the world hence rightfully saying "Vasudaiv Kutumbakum" - the world is her family. She is life centric - where every life (be it, humans, animals, birds, insects, plants etc) is respected... many are worshipped too to ensure they don't get extinct due to their innate nature of preserving ecological balance. It's the only place where every subject or knowledge base be it any science, technology, non-science, economics, education, medicine, art, craft, warfare etc. etc... Anything a person can think of have found a place to rest, thrive & contribute for the world to use & utilize (some outsiders even stole it calling it their invention/ discovery). It is the only mother who taught it's children to accept & realise God in every single being from marine life to amphibians to animals to birds to humans also she lends a finger of each of hand standing before us prompting us to learn walking with a concrete belief - the finger of one hand indicating a belief of god with form and the finger of the other hand indicating a belief of god without form but she says your quality on the power of belief is what brings you outcomes....

It is she who has propagated to her children AHIMSA (quality of Non Violence); NYAYA - DAND NEETI (Quality of Justice & applied Punishment); DHARMA (Quality of adherence to Duties on the aspects of Sarva Dharma Sama Bhaav - equal importance given to all duties); RAKSHANA & SHARNAAGAT NEETI (Protection & giving Refuge); KSHAMAA (Quality of Forgiveness).... these were misused & used on her children but the perpetrators never stayed on its soil for long be it the Huns, Portuguese, British, French, Dutch, Md Ghori, Md Ghaznavi, Alexander etc.

She rides a Chariot carrying the burden (as the name suggests – BHAAR RATH) of propagating and establishing SHANTI & SAMRUDHI (Peace and Prosperity) through the quality of MANUSHYATVA (Humanity). Hence she is the only one who propagates with a firm resolve of “Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu” without DWESHA (Quality of Repulsion) or VAIRATVA (Quality of Hate or Enmity). Finally she says lead a life of – righteousness, fulfilling all duties, don’t cause harm to other life form, respect & be respected, elevate your inner-self and evolve towards a better being; do not bear injustice done to any life form; maintain a strong belief on whatever you do and divine entity and finally live life without hampering the environment around you – once you follow it the outcome will be attainment of peace, prosperity, happiness, welfare and contentment/ satisfaction in life. The mother knows what her children need and offers everything to meet their need but not to meet their greed.

The change of glasses will definitely give you this entire picture. If you wish to decipher and understand it as a country and equate with those of the others you will end up being a mathematician doing a logical comparison of the statements on either sides of the equal sign. Bharat is not equal to something or some country… it is unique, a living entity, an embodiment of a supreme mother who can offer shelter to the whole world, wipe out their heart burns and fatigue, replenish them with energy (spiritual, emotion, intellectual and physical) to lead a healthy wealthy life, provide the right nutrition to their mind and body such that they become better beings; apart from all these it teaches them the right way to live and lead a life which the world says Hindutva. If you are viewing he as a country it’s now time to change your glasses.


  1. Very meaningful and appropriate explanation for Bharat

  2. Well articulated its a Eye-opener for all those who have forgotten or are not aware of our real "Bharat". Jai Maa Bharati

  3. This article is a must read especially for the youngsters. Very thoughtful and beautifully articulated. Jai Bharat Mata
