Looking at some of the well developed or so called first world countries I've always wondered do we in India have a stronger immune system....
Well here are some undeniable facts
- The pollution on all fronts is extremely high & in some contaminated too.... Our Taj Mahal can get corroded but not the people living around... We feast on Food-Street (present in almost every city) unaware of the water quality, oil used, expired masalas, fresh/ stale veggies unknown & above all made & served with un-gloved hands or hands repeatedly wiped throughout the day on the same cloth (sometimes wiped by others too - as it's a universal hand wipe with extremely long shelf life).
- The fruits & vegetables are grown with so much of chemicals (pesticides/ insecticides/ crop enhancers etc) is so vibrantly used that when all possible living organisms outside wither away we are still alive... What a chemically strengthened immune system we have...
- The sheep/ goats/ chicken/ other meat (whoever eats) are given enough anti-biotics that their every muscle tissue is bathed in it (till the animal is cut). This when eaten makes us an antibiotized body - which cannot allow any virus, bacteria, germ, organism to affect us...
- Our fishes & sea food come from the rivers & seas where we have finally found solace for our sewage flow as well as other effluents.... This gives a very strong Organo-Inorganic flavor coupled with industrial strength.... This sea/ water food when consumed by us gives us that added strength that even the best of chawanprash can't deliver...
- The lack of doctors & specialists in govt hospitals / healthcare centres and the expensive, unaffordable medical treatment in private hospitals have strengthened our mind to not fall sick or ill at all.... The only time we go to a doctor seriously is to get a medical certificate for leave taken from official work to give it to our HR ....
- Our hygiene factor is incomparable. We wash our hands with any water with anything be it a soap or a brick or sand or Ash or when there's nothing we just lick our fingers (hey our saliva is the most safest hand....oops finger sanitizer haven't you heard it).... So it doesn't really matter if we've washed our hands or not.... Any smart organism will be drowned to death killed by our salival acid (works as harpik you see)....
- The science of competition and the attitude of "compete or die" have been injected into us from the day we open our eyes to schooling. These daily doses have infact embedded competition deep down into our DNA itself.... Now the real juicy concept - when your DNA, your mind, your system of living is embedded with this "compete always & succeed" this creates a SAHAVASA YOGA for the other bacteria, germs & viruses living within our body system.... With this kind of competition grit the viruses will not allow any new virus to get in thus making us immune to anything and prevents every other infectious organism getting in.
Well those affected and who suffer from ailments/ infections are the ones who copied the foreigners ways and lifestyle -
The bisleri water types...
The mask face cover kinds...
The cleanliness/ hygiene washer kinds.
The expiry date conscious types...
The expensive hotel/ restaurant goers kind...
The anti-biotic free meat eating types
The fresh poison free veggies kind
The HiFi calorie/ protein/ vitamin conscious kind...
Finally those wonderful NRI's who have lived in & grown up in places that are so unlike those of ours (here in above mentioned). These have been aptly acronymed NRI - NON RESISTENT INDIAN.... A person who does not have any resistance, who is clean, pure, chaste as milk - yes truly MILK if it's left for a while it breaks and if a drop of lemon or salt falls in it... it still breaks (gets curdled)...
So why this lockdown - so that when we allow, inspire, train, strengthen and psychologically prepare the already present bacteria/ viruses/ germs/ organisms with whatever food we get and make them even more competent with the statement "कोरोना को हराना है ("KORONA KO HARANA HAI") and believe me friends "कोरोना को रोना ही पड़ेगा" (KORONA KO RONA HEE PADEGAA).... "जीत हमारे शूर वीर जांबाज़ आतंरिक सैनिकों की होगी" (- "JEETH HAMAREY SHOOR VEER JAANBAAZ KI HOGI.... Because we've been built over years, strengthened over years, preserved & groomed our inner soldiers over years and these soldiers consistently say "हम जीतेंगे... हम जीतेंगे... हम जीतेंगे... हर बाज़ी" (-"Hum jeetenge..hum jeetenge..hum jeetenge... har baazi...") That's why the world salutes us & says "इंडियंस का जवाब नहीं" (- "INDIANS KA JAWAB NAHI")... So here's me Dr. Avinash signing off on a hilarious note...
अगर किसी को लग गया कोरोना
तो खांसते हुए हस्पताल पडेगा जाना
फिर डॉक्टरों से वाट लगा लेना
बचे तो ठीक वर्ना समशान है जाना
दफनाते नहीं वहाँ देह का करते जलाना
पर स्वर्ग के गेट पे है लिखा "यहाँ तुम्हारा अंदर आना है मना
सो अब भैया सोच समझकर घर के बाहर निकलना
No matter where you live, what you eat, you can get health issues so keep your immune system up and strengthened always don't go by the notion "Indians are safe or have high immunity" have a great healthy worthy life