The Healing & Spiritual Powers of Chanting OM...

It is this fascinating video that inspired me to dive deep into my learning of Vedic Scriptures as well as the connected researches of modern day times to educate people on the most powerful syllable called OM or AUM. This document shares in brief the essence and outcomes of the many research works that I did go through and my explorations of the ancient scriptures that possibly sheds light on the entire concept, effect and benefits of chanting OM.

Om is the primordial sound of the entire creation that has been claimed to have produced the entire universe. In fact it is a fundamental sound that precedes any mantra or a chant in Sanatana Dharma. It is a sound produced by a synchronous union of 3 syllables of the Sanskrit language – A or ; U or and M or into a mono-syllable pronounced as AUM or OM. Although there are a lot of mentions about Om in almost all the Sanskrit texts and the religious texts of Santana Dharma its explanation is found in very few texts here are some clear mentions:-

  1. The Rig Veda has a distinctive usage of Om uses prior and after the chanting signifying it to be the beginning & end of everything;
  2. The Chandogya Upanishad lays emphasis on the songful way of chanting it while meditating to ensure that the soul evolves through sound;
  3. The dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama in Katha-Upanishad gives a glimpse on what the word Om is such that it is easily understandable to the children or young students
  4. The Maitriya Upanishad elaborately explains the meaning and significance of OM – what is it?, How & from where does it originate?, & how does it help the Self evolve when chanted and meditated with?
  5. It is only in the Mandukya Upanishad where the text opens with the statement that “Om is the syllable of the whole world” that Om is declared as all states of Time; All states of Atman; All states of Consciousness; All aspects of Knowledge (Knowledge in entirety).
  6. In the last segment of Atharvana Veda section of Ganesh Upanishad it asserts that Ganesha is the perfect depiction of OM - Omkaara-Swaroopa where it elaborates into saying You are brahma, Vishnu, rudra (shiva), indra, agni, vaayu, sun, moon, the encompassed 3 worlds (bhu – Earth, antariksha – Space & swarga – Heaven) & You are OM
  7. The Jaiminiya Upanishad says one (humans) who chants OM get the same benefits as the gods who which one can attain immortality

Exploring through the ancient texts and validating its very authenticity in being beneficial to us humans is a challenging task – the evolutionary path of the soul is hard to document as it’s a very personal experience but, a lot of correlation could be brought out based on its effect on our physical & physiological part which to day seems to the most important. These have been shared hereunder for the benefit of clearer understanding on the scientific basis for OM, its beneficial usage.

1.      IS OM THE SOUND OF THE CREATION:- Let’s look at it from our common point of personal experiences through a ceiling fan. When it is rotating at a low pace regulated by the regulator we hardly notice anything – its just the whiff of air and the sound is of the movement of air, but as we increase it to the optimum level the fan rotating at 300-350 RPM which translates to about 67 to 78 Kms per Hour gives a slight hissed humming sound that we hear. Now if it were to rotate at 220 Kms per Second the outcome would be astounding – this is the orbital speed of our Milky way (or Akasha Ganga as it is called in our Sanskrit Text). As per NASA using the method of Sonification it was concluded that “A constant low hum associated with the bright core can be heard, punctuated by short sounds from compact sources of light within the galaxy.” This constant hum equated to the frequency of OM, attesting and translates OM to be the sound of the creation.

2.      EFFECT OF OM ON THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY:- Numerous researches have been done to understand the effect of OM (Self chanted and heard) on human physiology. Some of them are mentioned here for a broader understanding (detailed research papers can be read at convenience).

a.      ON THE BRAIN :- On chanting of OM significant impacts on the brain have been witnessed

ü  It was referred that after chanting OM 20 minutes a day for 6 months the patients depression, anxiety and stress were significantly decreased. The research suggested that short time chanting of OM can relieve negative affective states in any person.

ü  When an fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) study was done to assess the neuro-hemo-dynamics at the brain, it was noticed that loud chanting of OM found the brain to be in the state of deep rest. It also showed the deactivation of the amygdala (emotional center of the brain) thus playing an important role in the emotional processing particularly in the process of negative emotions being well handled and controlled.

ü  Also the chanting of OM revealed that it enhanced the performance and the efficiency in tasks of the brain including the thought processes.

ü  Oxygenation levels increased in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the brain when Om was chanted.

ü  When high temporal resolution of event related potential (ERP’s) was done it significantly showed:-

Ø  Better attentional regulatory processes – in early stages

Ø  Better cognitive regulatory processes – in late positive potential stage and continues to the later stages too.


b.      ON THE AUTONOMOUS SYSTEM:- On chanting OM for 5 minutes it was revealed through a variety pf heart rate variation tests & other cardio tests that

ü  The vibratory sensation of OM stimulates the Vagal centers and modulates the Autonomous Neuro System (ANS) towards a calmer state (i.e. a parasympathetic tone). That is the sound produced by OM sent vibratory experiences around the vocal cords and the ears, these sensations were transmitted through the laryngeal and auricular branches of the vagus nerve stimulating all vagal centers thus causing deactivation of the limbic system (Hypothalamo-pituitary- adrenal axis) towards a much calmer state & in an orderly regulatory manner. This stimulates the autonomic centers of the brain (Flight, Freeze & Fight) response to rest and digest.   

ü  The respiratory frequency of chanting (6 breaths per minute) showed an increase in the respiratory sinus arrhythmia – a state of higher parasympathetic activity.

ü  Om Chanting is effective in improving the pulmonary function and works in engaging the lungs and ensure optimum oxygenation into the blood. Thus relieving asthma, bronchitis etc.

c.       ON HYPERTENSION or High BP:- A thorough tests on the effect of OM chanting on the Systolic, Diastolic and the Pulse Rate was conducted which revealed

ü  By chanting OM for 5 minutes showed a highly significant reduction in the systolic BP (from 150 to 138) and fairly significant reduction in the diastolic BP (from 91 to 85) thus indicating a reduction in hypertension.

ü  There was also a just or slight significant reduction in the pulse rate (from 78 beats per minute to 72 beats per minute).

d.      ON DIABETES (HYPERGLYCEMIC CASES):- Om chanting meditation has been found to lower blood glucose and A1C levels while raising the happiness scores. This is because of the deep link between the way it regulates emotions and lowers overall stress and anxiety. Also over time it streamlines the production of right secretions to digest sugars effectively.

e.      OTHER LIFE BENEFITS:- The chanting of OM has found to be widely beneficial in

ü  Boosts Immune System by ensuring that the body produces less cortisol  that actually weaken the immune system. It also increases the activity of certain immune cells which play a role in the body defense mechanism against infections and diseases.

ü  Improves and Concentration and helps to train the mind to stay in the present moment thus resulting in mindful state of being.

ü   Encourages self to introspect – this enables to raise the awareness in the individuals, understand dysfunctional patters & negative emotions thus allowing to progress towards personal growth and transformation.

ü   Deepens the spiritual awareness of the person therefore connecting him to the divine essence that overlays entire creation. Brings a deeper connect between the physical world and the inner world that is essential for spiritual growth and evolution.


3.      HOW DO WE DO IT: - When one understands the effects, impacts and benefits of chanting OM then the next section the mind begins to dwell is what is the right way to do it..? Its better to follow the acronym – PITSTOP. It definitely is a PITSTOP for one to stop, introspect and go ahead. It is a stop for recouping the energies, to rejuvenate the body – physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual, cure or prevent health issues and involve in the evolution of our Self or Soul.


PLACE:– It is always important to have a place that is supportive; noise & disturbance free; have a comfortable seat (a peetha or a chair with a mat meant specifically for your usage) on which to sit for a long period of time and begin the chanting.


INTENTION:– It is a must that one needs to have a clear intention on the desired outcome for which one wishes to engage in the chanting. This is to ensure proper channelization of the energies to where and how one wants it to act and achieve the desired outcome – It can be for a health benefit or to simply connect to a higher power. In Sanatana Dharma it is called as taking a sankalpa.


TIME & DURATION:- Always set a timely routine and duration to practice the chanting. This will create an inner structure by setting the bio-clock to a particular rhythm. Ideally it is advised by the seers to always choose the ideal cosmic time called Brahmi Muhurtha which is between 3:30 AM to 5:30 AM every morning.


STANCE – POSTURE:- There are various seating postures prescribed by in conventional yoga practices. However considering the health aspect of the individual it is best that one needs to sit in a comfortable position on the preferred seat (peetha or a chair). Ideal asanas or postures to be adopted on the peetha as prescribed by yoga is – padmaasana or sukhaasana (it would hoever be a normal seating posture on the chair). It is important to sit with the spine straight and head upright so as to allow proper chanting of OM & for the rightful free flow of energy throughout the body and the surrounding environment. However a research specifies chanting of OM seated in MANDUKAASAN brings excellent benefits to patients suffering from DIABETES and the results are noticeable in 40 days.


TRANQUILIZE:- It is most important to attain inner or internal control of all the bodily systems. The way one breathes brings about inner tranquility and balance. It is essential that one breathes rightly and correctly and the best way is “breathe deeply and slowly –the breath should be slower than the slow but not the slowest & deeper than the deep but not the deepest as you inhale and calmly breathe out or exhale. Preferably breathe by allowing the belly to expand while inhalation and exhale by chanting OM for as long as 8-10 secondse . Repeat the chant in this way again and again. The exhalation chanting OM can be increased from 10 second to 18 seconds over a period of time but start with smaller timeframes.


OTHER:- Adopt and combine with different spiritual practices such as using different mudras (position & gripping of fingers and hands). Those suggested by seers is to use Dhyaana Mudra or Shankha Mudra or Vayu Mudra etc to attain better results. (It is always best to consult ones Guru or Teacher or Healer for the right mudra so that the desired results is obtained)


PURGE:- Purge negativity or let go of distractions in the form of thoughts or feelings or emotions while chanting. It is essential to contain the mind and prevent it from wandering such that the vibrations make the desired impact on the brain, organs of the body and the soul too.

 Most of our Ancient Texts have a direct implications on the health; longevity and spiritual elevation. It is upto us to give it, its due recognition and imbibe it in our lives such that our lives and the world becomes a better place to live in harmony.